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Ukraine introduces the principle of public health priority in public policy making

The Ministry of Health of Ukraine is implementing the principle of public health priority in public policy making, which implies carrying out an analysis of public policy in terms of its public health perspective – evaluating the effects of a particular public policy implementation on public health, before the decision to adopt it is made.

Henceforth, all legislative acts and decrees enacted by the Government must include a public health perspective – an analysis of both intended and unintended effects this policy will have on the public health and different population groups.

For instance, a decision on an increase of excise tax on tobacco products will have positive effects, as it will not only raise fiscal revenues, but also improve health and well-being of Ukrainians – when tobacco prices rise, people are less likely to start or continue smoking. In a similar way, the implementation of tax incentives for electrically-chargeable vehicles (EVs) will be considered as contributing to both increasing affordability and improving air quality in urban areas, and, consequently, reducing the morbidity and mortality attributable to air pollution.

The Ministry introduces the principle of public health priority in line with the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement implementation, which promotes the strengthening of Ukraine's healthcare system and developing its capacity.

Public health system is the key component of preventive medicine, consisting of systemic measures taken for disease prevention aiming to preserve the nation's health.