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The National Health Service of Ukraine announces the second wave of signing contracts with PHC providers

On July 25, the National Health Service of Ukraine (NHSU) published on its official website the announcement of the second wave of signing contracts with primary care providers.

To sign an agreement with the NHSU, healthcare facilities shall submit the required documents by August 3, 2018. The complete list of documents (in Ukrainian) can be consulted on the NHSU website. The NHSU encourages all healthcare facilities not to delay this important step and wait until the last day.

A complete list of agreements signed between the NHSU and primary care facilities, including private PHC providers, during the second wave will be published on the NHSU website on August 15, 2018. The newly contracted facilities will start operating under the new healthcare financing model based on the "money follows the patient" principle in October 2018.

In July, the NHSU started paying the first contracted 160 PHC providers from 21 oblasts of Ukraine an age-adjusted capitation per declaration at a set rate. In addition, these PHC providers recieve payments for patients who have not chosen their doctors yet, but are registered in the territory covered by these healthcare facilities. In July, the NHSU paid a total of UAH 253.7 million to the contracted PHC providers, most of which now have a significantly higher income, especially when compared to the old system of input-based financing.

By the end of this year, all PHC providers shall switch to independent management as non-profit enterprises, register in the eHealth system, provide services in full compliance with the approved Procedure and requirements, and sign an agreement with the NHSU. Starting 2019, 100% of payments for the actual primary care services rendered to patients will be made under the NHSU-funded contract-based age-adjusted capitation model.