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The National Council on Tuberculosis and HIV/AIDS has attracted about USD 1 billion in non-repayable financial assistance from the Global Fund

The National Council on Tuberculosis and HIV/AIDS summarized its work. One of the key results was the assistance in attracting more than USD 1 billion in non-repayable financial assistance from the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria and allocating these funds to fight socially dangerous diseases in Ukraine. These and other data are reflected in a report based on the results of more than 60 meetings, prepared as part of the joint project of the United Nations Development Program in Ukraine and the Ministry of Health of Ukraine “Strengthening the National Council on Tuberculosis and HIV/AIDS in Ukraine”.

As an inter-sectoral body with broad stakeholder representation, the National Council serves as the country’s coordination mechanism for the implementation of Global Fund programs. As of the end of 2023, the Global Fund provided Ukraine with more than USD 913 million in non-repayable financial assistance for the implementation of HIV and TB programs and activities, as well as to contain the impact of COVID-19 on programs in this area. In 2023, the National Council submitted to the Global Fund a Request for Funding for 2024-2026 of USD 165 million, which was allocated to Ukraine. Thus, as of the end of 2026, the National Council coordinated and attracted more than USD 1 billion of non-repayable financial assistance to combat the spread of HIV, tuberculosis and other infectious diseases.

The Global Fund’s current program for 2021-2023, worth more than USD 135.8 million, includes some activities aimed at strengthening the system for detecting and diagnosing new cases of HIV and tuberculosis, as well as enhancing the interaction of existing systems and their integration into healthcare reform in Ukraine.

Implementers of the Global Fund programs in Ukraine are the main recipients or managers of funds, which are determined and approved by the National Council. For the current period and for 2024-2026, the following have been identified as program implementers: State Institution “Center for Public Health of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine”, International Charitable Foundation “Alliance for Public Health” and CO “100 Percent of Life”.

It should be recalled that according to the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 926 dated 11.07.07, the National Council on Tuberculosis and HIV/AIDS was established. It is now operating as an advisory body to the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine. Today, the composition of the National Council is characterized by a broad multi-sectoral representation, which contributes to greater coverage of issues, processing of materials and proposals submitted by the public and representatives of patients and other communities. Thus, the National Council consists of 40 people representing the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, the Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine, the Ministry of Youth and Sports of Ukraine and other interested executive authorities. The National Council also includes a representative of the Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights, People’s Deputy of Ukraine, representatives of the UN and the U.S. Agency for International Development, federations of employers, trade unions, associations of self-governing bodies, the Council of Churches and Religious Organizations, the Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine, as well as civil society organizations representing the interests of service providers and various key groups.


For reference:

The National Council, as an advisory body to the Government of Ukraine, chaired by the Minister of Health of Ukraine, provides:

  • preparation of proposals for setting priorities and ensuring the implementation of the state policy on combating tuberculosis and HIV/AIDS and consolidated use of funds in this area;
  • promoting coordinated interagency and intersectoral cooperation to ensure the implementation of projects to combat tuberculosis and HIV/AIDS at the state level, including grants from the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (hereinafter referred to as the Global Fund);
  • monitoring the implementation of programs and measures to combat tuberculosis and HIV/AIDS;
  • participation in the development of draft regulations, programs, and measures to combat tuberculosis and HIV/AIDS;
  • informing the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine and the public about the results of measures to combat tuberculosis and HIV/AIDS.