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The Ministry of Health has fulfilled 78% of its obligations under the Association Agreement with the EU in the field of healthcare

Ukraine has fulfilled 78% of its healthcare commitments under the Association Agreement with the EU. To recap, the previous figure was 75%, so in the fourth quarter of 2023, the Ministry of Health of Ukraine achieved a 3% increase.

This data is published in the information and analytical system for monitoring the implementation of the Association Agreement “Pulse of the Agreement”.

“We are moving forward with European integration. In February 2024, we have already started negotiations with the European Commission, which means that we are entering a new level of the EU accession process. At the same time, we do not forget to fulfill other obligations under the Association Agreement and express our sincere gratitude to our European partners for their continued support on this path of reforms and modernization of our healthcare system,” said Maryna Slobodnichenko, Deputy Minister of Health for European Integration.

In the fourth quarter of 2023, a number of European integration regulations in the healthcare sector were finalized, including measures to ensure the safety of blood and its components, the impact of chemical and biological agents on employees, and requirements for plastic products in contact with food.

At the end of 2023, the following implementing regulations were adopted:

  • mechanisms for monitoring and periodic reporting on the quality and safety of blood and its components (CMU Resolution No. 1294 of 12 December 2023);
  • obligations and procedures for employers in case of identifying risks associated with exposure to hazardous chemicals (Order of the Ministry of Health No. 1976 of 17 November 2023);
  • obligations and procedures for employers in case of detection of a risk of exposure to biological agents for employees (Order of the Ministry of Health No. 1976 of 17 November 2023);
  • requirements for plastic materials and products intended for contact with food (Order of the Ministry of Health No. 2104 of 11 December 2023) and requirements for active and “smart” materials and items intended for contact with food (Law of Ukraine No. 2718-IX of 03.11.2022 implementing European Commission Regulation No. 450/2009).

In general, in 2023, the progress in fulfilling the obligations under the Association Agreement with the EU in the healthcare sector is 12%.

It should be recalled that in February 2024, the European Commission began the official screening process of Ukrainian legislation.