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The Ministry of Health and the WHO released a new cooperation strategy

The Ministry of Health of Ukraine and the World Health Organization (WHO) have jointly released the WHO-Ukraine Cooperation Strategy for 2024-2030. The document aims to build a sustainable, person-centered healthcare system that can provide high-quality healthcare to all citizens, regardless of their ability to pay. The Strategy will also help to overcome the complex healthcare challenges caused by the ongoing war.

"The full-scale war has clearly shown us that such challenges for the medical system can only be overcome by joint efforts. The World Health Organization has always been and remains our strategic partner. Together, we work not only on emergency response, but also focus on reforming the Ukrainian healthcare system. To make this progress as productive as possible, it is important to set clear priorities. They are laid down in the published WHO-Ukraine Cooperation Strategy for 2024-2030," said Viktor Liashko, Minister of Health of Ukraine.

The Strategy outlines WHO's commitment to support Ukraine in its efforts to reform its healthcare system, emphasizing the need to invest in healthcare infrastructure, human resource capacity building, and reforms to achieve EU standards.

Dr. Jarno Habicht, WHO Representative in Ukraine, emphasized the importance of the strategy, noting: "Investing in the health system is crucial to respond to the immediate needs caused by the war, as well as to lay the foundation for a healthier, more resilient Ukraine in the future. As WHO celebrates 30 years of continuous presence in Ukraine, we consider this new Strategy as a reaffirmation of our commitment to stand by Ukraine."

The Strategy focuses on three key priorities: ensuring universal access to quality health services, preventing and reducing major health risks, and supporting health system reforms. These priorities aim to respond to the wide range of challenges Ukraine faces, including the burden of non-communicable diseases, the threat of communicable diseases such as tuberculosis and HIV, and the need for comprehensive mental health and rehabilitation services.

WHO also plans to work closely with the Ukrainian government, international partners, and local communities to implement the strategy. This includes using WHO's extensive expert network and resources both in Ukraine and around the world to provide technical and operational support.


The document is available HERE.