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The Global Fund allocates USD 165 million in non-repayable financial assistance for 2024-2026 HIV and TB programs

Three grant agreements under the program “Sustainable Response to HIV and TB Epidemics in the Context of War and Reconstruction of Ukraine” will be implemented in Ukraine over the next 3 years. The amount of non-repayable funding from the Global Fund for them exceeds USD 165 million. Ukraine submitted its request for 2024-2026 to the Global Fund on 29 May. According to the decision of the Global Fund Board, three grants for Ukraine were approved.

“The full-scale war has posed many challenges to our medical system. Thanks to the support and active involvement of our international partners, we are able to continue implementing important programs even in such difficult conditions. I am grateful to the Board of the Global Fund for approving our request and allocating USD 165 million in non-refundable financial assistance for the 2024-2026 programs. These funds will be used to provide medical care to Ukrainians living with HIV and tuberculosis, as well as to combat socially dangerous diseases,” said Viktor Liashko, Minister of Health of Ukraine and Chairman of the National Council on Tuberculosis and HIV/AIDS.

The previous Global Fund program for 2021-2023 was partially implemented in the context of a full-scale war and active hostilities. Thanks to the Global Fund’s flexible approach and adaptation of the program to new challenges, it was possible to change and adapt the work of the programs, in particular, to re-equip special vehicles for the delivery of essential medicines and consumables, to purchase generators for regional laboratories, to increase access to health services and ensure the delivery of medicines for TB and HIV patients and those who use prevention programs with communities at the regional level, as well as to organize housing for patients with infectious diseases such as multidrug-resistant tuberculosis in other regions.

Under previous Global Fund programs, USD 913 million in non-repayable financial assistance was raised to fight AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria and used to combat socially dangerous diseases in Ukraine. As a multisectoral body with broad stakeholder representation, the National Council on TB and HIV/AIDS serves as the country’s coordination mechanism for implementing Global Fund programs.

Implementers of the Global Fund programs in Ukraine are the main recipients or managers of funds, which are determined and approved by the National Council. Currently, and for 2024-2026, the following are designated as program implementers: the Center for Public Health of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, the International Charitable Foundation Alliance for Public Health, and the CO “100 % Life”.