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New Concept of the Emergency Care Reform

The Ministry of Health of Ukraine invites the public to provide feedback on the new Concept of the Emergency Care Reform (available in Ukrainian). A month after receiving the proposals, the Ministry will submit the Concept to the government for review and approval.


The five-year Emergency Care Reform seeks to significantly improve the quality and accessibility of emergency care, and to ensure that every Ukrainian receives immediate assistance in a range of emergency situations. In addition, the Ministry of Health of Ukraine seeks to enhance the appreciation of work and the prestige of the profession of emergency care workers.

The Concept implementation is planned for the period from 2018 to 2022.



Advanced Dispatching Algorithms

The dispatching systems will be upgraded and modernized, so that the nearest ambulance will be directed to the spot in the most efficient way and a few seconds after the call.

New IT infrastructure

Central data exchange unit will be established and all ambulances will be equipped with GPS tracking systems to help dispatchers manage ambulance fleets.

Information about the status of each emergency call at any time

The upgrading of the dispatching system will allow dispatchers track the status of each emergency call and the location of each ambulance. Currently, this system operates in Kyiv, Dnipropetrovsk, Kherson, and Kharkiv oblast, and has also been introduced in the test mode in Vinnytsia and Poltava oblasts.  It will start operating in all regions in the nearest future.

Updated protocols for emergency medical dispatchers

The Ukrainian medical protocols and standards will be updated in accordance with the international ones.

As a result, medical emergency dispatchers will have a clear algorithm to follow, and will also learn to make quick decisions under pressure and advise on-site witnesses how to provide first aid before an ambulance and emergency crews arrive. Therefore, the Emergency Care Reform Concept provides for professional retraining of the medical staff.

Updated protocols for emergency crews

The programs for training and testing of knowledge and skills necessary to provide immediate medical assistance in case of emergency will be developed in accordance with relevant international standards. Doctors, paramedics, and even drivers will be trained in the life-saving first aid. Finally, emergency care specialists will have to pass an external independent knowledge testing exam.

New vehicles and equipment

The requirements for emergency care equipment will be updated, and new vehicles will be purchased.

Decent pay for the work of emergency medical workers

After retraining, emergency care specialists and workers will be paid for their work at market rates. In addition, they will be provided with high-quality emergency care equipment and modern ambulances.

Network of emergency departments in hospitals

The new protocols and logic of healthcare facility planning should ensure that emergency departments at central hospitals work 24/7 (24 hours a day, 7 days a week).

A country-wide network of skilled first aiders

First aid can save lives and prevent minor injuries becoming major ones. It is essential that all people and services that come first to an emergency site can provide immediate assistance and first aid. All firemen, rescuers, policemen, drivers, pilots, trainmen, flight attendants, conductors in Ukraine should complete the advanced senior first aid courses. Educators, teachers, social workers will have to undergo a basic first aid training.

The ubiquitous presence of Defibrillators and tourniquets in public places

The Emergency Care Reform in Ukraine aims at providing coordinated and professional action at all stages: from an emergency call to provision of qualified medical services at the relevant specialized unit.