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More than a million doses of diphtheria and tetanus vaccine delivered to Ukraine for routine vaccinations in 2024

The Bulgarian-made diphtheria and tetanus vaccine (ADP-M) with a reduced antigen content was purchased by the state enterprise Medical Procurement of Ukraine at the request of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine. 1,039,500 doses have already been delivered to the country, and the next delivery will be 18,300 doses. 75% of the received amount will be distributed to medical institutions in the oblasts, while 25% of the delivered vaccine will be stored at the national level as a reserve stock and can be distributed to the regions as needed (in accordance with the Order of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine of 18.10.2023).

The vaccine is intended for free vaccinations according to the schedule of preventive vaccinations against diphtheria and tetanus (ADP-M), the preparation contains purified tetanus and diphtheria anatoxins. Vaccination for the prevention of diphtheria and tetanus with the ADP-M vaccine (with a reduced content of diphtheria and tetanus antigens) is given at the age of 16 and during adult revaccination.

“Diphtheria and tetanus can have serious health consequences, especially in times of war, when access to medical care may be difficult or temporarily limited. In addition, adults need to be revaccinated against diphtheria every 10 years starting at the age of 16. Despite the military challenges, the Ministry of Health managed to ensure the uninterrupted availability of vaccines for routine vaccination at the level of each oblast last year, and this work continues. The supplied ADP-M vaccine will be distributed to medical institutions in the oblast for routine vaccinations. That is why it is important for everyone to check their vaccination status, their own and their children’s, and in case of moving or missing a vaccination, to contact the nearest outpatient clinic and adjust the vaccination schedule,” said Deputy Minister, Chief State Sanitary Doctor of Ukraine Ihor Kuzin.

“Vaccination saves millions of people around the world every year. Therefore, the only way to protect against such terrible infectious diseases as diphtheria and tetanus is vaccination for children and revaccination for adults. Last year, for the first time in the history of the Medical Procurement of Ukraine, we purchased vaccines against these diseases centrally, as it is not only our key priority to save the lives and health of Ukrainians, but also a matter of national security,” said Edem Adamanov, Director General of the Medical Procurement of Ukraine.

As a reminder, free vaccinations against 10 infectious diseases are included in the preventive vaccination schedule. In particular, a child must be vaccinated against diseases such as tuberculosis, hepatitis B, measles, mumps, rubella, diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, polio, and Hib infection. All vaccines according to this calendar are free of charge for children and adults in Ukraine. So, make sure your child has all the necessary vaccinations according to their age. Remember whether you have received a revaccination in the last 10 years. Also, take care of vaccination (including booster doses) against COVID-19 — it is not included in the Vaccination Schedule, but it is available in every oblast and is free of charge for the population.

If the vaccination schedule is off (you missed a vaccination), this does not mean that you need to start the immunization course from the beginning. However, it is extremely important to catch up on missed vaccinations as soon as possible, regardless of how much time has passed. So, contact your general practitioner, family doctor or pediatrician — a specialist will help you create an individualized vaccination schedule.