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In 2023, 19,851 people fell ill with tuberculosis in Ukraine

Despite the full-scale war, the Ukrainian healthcare system continues to provide patients with access to free diagnosis and treatment of tuberculosis. According to the Center for Public Health, in 2023, 19,851 cases of active tuberculosis were registered in our country, of which 639 were among children under 14 and 196 among adolescents aged 15-17.


How is tuberculosis diagnosed in Ukraine?

For diagnosis, a family doctor conducts screening and interviews, assesses the risk of the disease. Based on the results (if necessary), they refer the patient for radiological examination and examination of sputum or other biological material using the molecular genetic system. The family doctor can also prescribe an additional examination by a phthisiologist, as it is the phthisiologist who makes the diagnosis of tuberculosis.

It is important to remember that the need for fluoroscopy is determined by the family doctor. Patients who are not suspected of having tuberculosis and are not at risk do not need an annual fluoroscopic examination!

The need for additional examination, such as bronchoscopy, computed tomography, etc., is determined by a phthisiologist. Such examinations are free of charge upon a doctor’s referral.


Treatment for tuberculosis

First of all, you should know that tuberculosis is a curable disease! In Ukraine, it is treated according to modern standards of medical care for tuberculosis, which are based on evidence and meet the recommendations of the World Health Organization. Special anti-TB drugs are also available to patients, with treatment lasting several months or more.

Treatment will be faster and easier if you start on time and take the prescribed medications regularly, as well as follow all the doctor’s recommendations. Under no circumstances should you interrupt the treatment you have started!

In 2022, our specialists began using the BPaL regimen, the latest treatment regimen for drug-resistant tuberculosis. The duration of treatment with this regimen is reduced by almost three times: 6-9 months versus 18-24 months.

Depending on the patient’s condition, TB treatment can be outpatient or inpatient. Under the first option, a person with TB receives medications at the place of treatment, can be close to their family, and in some cases can continue to work.

In Ukraine, treatment with anti-tuberculosis drugs is free of charge!


For reference: Tuberculosis is an infectious disease caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis (bacteria of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex). The main way of its transmission is aerogenous, mainly from a person with a bacterial form of pulmonary tuberculosis. This occurs during coughing, sneezing, talking or singing, when infectious particles of lower respiratory tract secretions, which contain mycobacteria, are released into the air.

The risk of mycobacteria entering the lungs of a healthy person depends on the concentration of infectious particles in the air and the duration of inhalation of contaminated air. Most often, due to the immune system’s reaction when mycobacteria enter the human body, tuberculosis does not develop, but when this reaction is weak, active disease can occur.