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Digitalization of healthcare in 2024 - what services will be implemented

Digitalization of healthcare has been enabling doctors and patients to use convenient services for more than 6 years.

The functioning of the most important of them was discussed at a meeting of representatives of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, the NHSU and the Association for the Development of Information Systems with media representatives. The event was organized with the support of the USAID Health Reform Support Project in partnership with the Ministry of Health of Ukraine.

In particular, the work of already implemented projects was presented and plans for the development of healthcare digitalization for 2024 were announced.

“The digitalization of the healthcare system achieves several goals: first, it reduces bureaucracy and the burden on healthcare workers through the operation of electronic services; patients can receive high-quality and affordable services thanks to digitalization; and finally, it provides management tools to formulate policies and make effective decisions based on data,” said Mariia Karchevych, Deputy Minister of Health for Digitalization.

The Electronic Healthcare System (EHCS) is the largest IT system in Ukraine and one of the key systems of the Ukrainian eHealth digital space.

Today, thanks to new services already implemented in the EHCS, it is possible to:

  • issue electronic referrals;
  • issue medical certificates of birth and temporary disability;
  • purchase prescription medicines with an electronic prescription from a doctor;
  • receive medicines and test strips for glucose meters by e-prescription under the reimbursement program, etc.

The eHealth system also has the functionality to record rehabilitation interventions. More than a million records have been made (using the ICF) on rehabilitation.

In addition to the services implemented in the EHCS, a pilot of the e-Stock electronic system for managing stocks of medicines and medical devices has already been launched, and new modules of the MedData system have been developed, including the Humanitarian Aid, Vaccination, and Accounting modules.


What will be improved and implemented in 2024?


The patient’s account will be launched, so Ukrainians will be able to sign a declaration with a doctor online.

In addition, the functionality of rehabilitation interventions will be expanded, the implementation of the medicines verification system will continue, and work will continue on the digitalization of the military medical commissions and medical and social expert commissions.