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Almost 16 million patients received medical care under the Medical Guarantee Program in 2023

Despite the war and limited resources, the scope of guaranteed medical services for Ukrainians has not been reduced. On the contrary, the Medical Guarantee Program is expanding, and medical care is provided free of charge.

The Medical Guarantees Program for 2023 has been expanded with new service packages that meet the needs of Ukrainians caused by the war. In particular, the package Medical examination of persons organized by Territorial Centers of Recruitment and Social Support was added. Psychological support from a family doctor to preserve the mental health of Ukrainians was fully launched, and rehabilitation packages were improved, including a distinction between outpatient and inpatient rehabilitation medical care.

Most patients received care within the packages:

  • Prevention, diagnostics, observation, and treatment in outpatient settings - more than 13.9 million;
  • Inpatient care for adults and children without surgery - over 2.5 million;
  • Inpatient surgical operations for adults and children - over 1.1 million;
  • Dental care for adults and children - over 1.8 million;
  • Preparedness and provision of medical care to the population in the area of hostilities - 1.062 million.

In 2023, the NHSU paid over UAH 132 billion to healthcare providers under the Medical Guarantees Program. In particular:

  • UAH 97.464 billion for specialized medical care;
  • UAH 23.380 billion for primary health care;
  • UAH 11.155 billion for emergency medical care.

In 2024, almost UAH 159 billion will be allocated for the program, which is UAH 16 billion more than last year. This includes UAH 5.2 billion for reimbursement of medicines. In 2024, the Medical Guarantee Program will focus on restoring health and human potential.